


Baldini Group builds its success day by day, thanks to the synergy that unites the different work groups starting from the crane rental office, through the roadside assistance and demolition/car-scrapping office to all the operators.


The management area of the Group is entrusted to the enterprising spirit and great entrepreneurial skills of two key figures: Barbara and Andrea Baldini, sons of the Group's historic founder, Arrigo Baldini, who sadly left us on January 16, 2018, but who followed with passion and experience the part of the road rescue until he had the strength. He transmitted the same dedication and seriousness in the work to his sons Barbara and Andrea.
Barbara, graduated in Economics, manages the economic-financial part of the entire group, while Andrea directs the activity of demolition and roadside assistance.
The best portrait of the Baldini family is certainly represented by the results achieved and by the values transmitted to its employees

Rental Office

A dynamic, young, competent team that is always available to fully satisfy customers. Over the years, the rental sector has established itself as the Group's true core business.

Roadside Assistance Office

A historical sector of our Group, founded in the '60s and able to put experience and professionalism at the service of the customer, satisfying promptly and efficiently the most varied difficulties encountered by the customer. The service is always active, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Demolition Office / Car scrapping office

The youngest sector of Baldini Group is already growing strong thanks to a constant investment and evolution of the service offered, always in full respect and protection of the environment.


The indispensable foundation for all the activities of our Group. Our crane operators, rescuers, drivers and breakers work with dedication and sacrifice to ensure a professional service to our customers. A beating heart formed by around 70 operators, on which the Group continually invests in training and safety.

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